Spread Love / Sebaran Kasih Malaysia is a volunteer-led independent non-profit-organization with a mission to create life changing impact on the lives of vulnerable families. The NGO emerged out of existing needs within the local community with a central aim to serve the people. We strive to address the structural barriers to overcoming hardships in disadvantaged and at-risk communities, such as patterns of discrimination and exclusion; lack of access to essential public services; conflict and social disorder; and major public health threats.
These challenges are particularly acute for children, youths and women. As such, Spread Love / Sebaran Kasih Malaysia NGO identifies, builds, and strengthens the capacities, skills and knowledge to safeguard marginalized groups and equip them with the means for a better future. We engage in a range of integrated programs that protect and campaign against all forms of discrimination; prevent and respond to abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation; ensure immediate access to appropriate services; and provide durable solutions in the beneficiaries’ best interests.
We are very much aware of the complex weave that is society; this is why we believe that our goals can only be achieved by extending our work to the entire community. Our goal is to strengthen entire communities by making improvements to the existing socio-economic fabrics that will benefit everyone.
We believe that all individuals have the power to raise themselves out of any situation; what is lacking however, are the motivation, know-how, and network. Thus, our work can only be achieved by the generosity of donors and the talents of volunteers from all corners of Malaysia that push current frontiers and share our vision of a community lacking edges, limits, or boundaries. Our vision is a world with healthy, resilient, and cohesive communities where the most vulnerable members are able to reach their full potential.
"Ever since Spread Love was founded, till date, we have postively impacted 6 families and 15 individuals. We've helped to ensure the livelihood of these families and the young children that were impacted by the loss of their fathers and brothers. With the help of our sponsors and team members, we've secured a monthly supply of groceries for these families that are entrenched in poverty. Also, we have educated and created awareness among the communities surrounding these families on the dangers of crime and the lifetime impact it could have on them."
Thank you Sebaran Kasih for making my life a little easier. Ever since my son was imprisoned and my husband passed away, I was struggling day in and out to make ends meet and raising my grandson.
I have been doing odd jobs ever since my husband was convicted. I am caring for my mother-in-law and my son all by myself. Spread Love came in at the right time, to help us out when I desperately needed help.
Having 3 young childrens at the age of 17, 13 and 10, my time is solely spent on raising them right, all by myself ever since my husband is on the death row since 13 years ago. Thank you Sebaran Kasih for lessening my burden.