"Pannir is living on borrowed time, his turn to be executed could be anytime.
The campaign has slowed down due to insufficient funds at the moment."
Sebaran Kasih helped to collect all the artwork from Pannir and use it to promote the value of forgiveness and mercy by bringing out the plight of death row inmates. It's an official median to promote save Pannir Campaign. Pannir is living on borrowed time, and we are desperate to help him. To raise awareness on his case to highlight the injustice that happened to him and use his art to promote forgiveness and mercy for the death row.
run a save Pannir campaign.Public attention to the Pannir Case. We hoped Pannir would receive a Certificate of Substantive Assistance, granted by the Public Prosecutor of Singapore, that would spare him the gallows. Unfortunately, this Certificate was not granted. Despite his assistance that leads to the arrest of Zamri. Was to highlight the unjust that happened to Pannir.
To seek public support to spare his life. It has been 8 years Pannir on death row he has been using his time inside to create art to educate and promote the abolition of death penalty. For Pannir to continue his advocacy work his death sentences need to be commuted. Pannir is living on borrowed time, and we are desperate to help him. To raise awareness on his case to highlight the injustice that happened to him and use his art to promote forgiveness and mercy for the death row.
Who is Pannir Selvam?

Pannir Selvam Pranthaman was born on 31st July 1987. He is the third child of Pastor Pranthaman and Mrs.Saratha and grew up in a family with 5 other siblings, an older brother and sister, two younger brothers, and a younger sister. The loving family had lived all their lives in Ipoh, Perak. Pannir Selvam is a talented musician who grew up in a church in his childhood. He was a gifted musician - he could play all kinds of drums, guitars, and keyboards.
Pannir grows up to be a healthy boy that enjoys extending help to strangers or anyone in plight. In 2010, Pannir wanted to test the waters and push himself even further. He moved to Singapore, aiming to gain experience working and studying there. As the days passed by, Pannir got much busier working and studying in Singapore. One unfortunate day on 3rd Sep 2014, Pannir was cheated, betrayed, and was set up as a victim. He became the scapegoat when the border officers at the Woodlands checkpoint caught him with the drugs.
We need to garner public support for the abolishment of the death penalty in Singapore and Malaysia. There are many Malaysians on death row in Singapore and other countries. We want to bring them all back and give them a second chance to redeem themselves, especially if they are just minor drug offenders.
To this end, Sebaran Kasih is collaborating with the Save Pannir campaign to raise awareness of our Malaysians on death row, both local and abroad. Pannir is a musician, lyricist, and author. During his time in Changi Prison, Singapore, Pannir has penned a few songs and poems expressing the plight that he and others like him are facing being on death row, and his hopes and prayers for forgiveness and redemption
Sebaran Kasih has published 3 songs written by Pannir to date, featuring prominent local talents Dato DJ Dave, Kidd Santhe, Santesh Kumar and Saint TFC.
The need for forgiving and having mercy on death row inmates is needed among Malaysians. Through his art, we are able to understand the plight of death row prisoners especially those that were convicted for minor drug offenses only. Pannir’s case has the potential to change the general public’s opinion toward the death penalty in Malaysia and worldwide.
Public support for the abolishment of the death penalty in our country can grow by listening and learning more. We have many Malaysians on death row in foreign countries. To bring all of them back to our homeland and forgive them and give them a second chance, is our ultimate goal.
In Malaysia, and on death row, 75% are for minor drug offenses, while 45% of this group are foreigners. Many foreign women are on death row in Malaysia as well, especially from Indonesia. Philippines, Myanmar, Nigeria.

Our Published Songs Written by Pannir Selvam

by Santesh Kumar
Santesh’s latest single, ‘Arah Tuju’ is finally out! In the music video, Santesh expresses what it is like to be a prison inmate who has repented, and desires to be given a second chance by the justice system and society.

by Saint TFC
This song was written by Pannir Selvam in prison and who is a Malaysian awaiting for his death penalty in Singapore. This is Pannir Selvam's dedication to his country on Hari Malaysia. .

by Kidd Santhe &
Dato DJ Dave
In this 3rd song (and maybe last), Pannir expresses his hope with other inmates that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Our Struggles

Through the help of our well-wishers, we were able to raise enough funds to successfully publish 3 of Pannir songs. However, a lot more will be needed to continue our fight against the abolition of the death penalty and to continue using music and Pannir's songs as a catalyst for change for death row inmates, and for forgiveness and mercy
At Sebaran Kasih, we are in need of support from partners like you to achieve this mission. Our work is not done, and we will continue the fight. We are currently raising funds to launch the 4th song from Pannir, and are in need for every financial support possible.
The chronology of Pannir's detention till our collaboration with the Save Pannir campaign
How to Donate?